Monday, March 21, 2016

Intrusive Thoughts: A New Website for People With OCD

As a metaphorically, not clinically, compulsive researcher, I find a lot of resources for various aspects of my life. One of things I need resources for the most is my OCD. Having them on hand helps me know where to look when I need reminding that it's just OCD and I can survive it. I imagine other people with these disorders feel the same way. It's nice to have good information available. Well, a new source launched the other day in the form of a website called Intrusive Thoughts. This simultaneously explains a bit of why I wasn't able to obtain this domain name as a .com or a .org and gives me a new place to turn when I need those aforementioned reminders.

First, I'm going to mention the design of the website, which is fun to use and intuitive. You'll notice it from the first page, where you are greeted with a statistic. Scroll down to read more about intrusive thoughts, clearly from the perspective of someone who also suffers from them. There is a bit of reassurance mixed in with some facts about intrusive thoughts, but these are things you should know, even if your OCD-mind won't believe them when you need to most. At the bottom of the page are some helpful links, a few of which you will also find at the top of each page. Everything is super easy-to-find and use.

Now, let's talk about content. If you click on symptoms, you'll get another page that is fun to interact with. It includes access to information about OCD themes, such as harm and scrupulosity. The information on these pages includes text and video, so you can hear from people who live through it. There's a good enough dose of information there. The resources page explores treatment options, professional opinions, personal stories and more. I would definitely point someone who was struggling with understanding intrusive thoughts and where to go to get help in the direction of this page. The treatment page has some of the same information, but organized in an easy-to-understand format that focuses on the big 3 steps of recovery.

Under the "Project" tab on Intrusive Thoughts, you will find what amounts to an "About Me" page. Here, you will learn about the man behind the project and what inspired him to put together this website. His name is Aaron Harvey, and he suffered with OCD for 20 years before he was diagnosed. There's a GoFundMe link on that page, but is unobtrusive.

All in all, I think the interactivity of the site, and it's interesting design, will help sufferers navigate their way through the important information there easily. I heartily recommend it to anyone struggling with OCD, be it their struggle or that of a loved one.

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